The increase in temperatures and the change in rainfall regimes have direct effects on crop yields, passion fruit does not tolerate marked dry seasons, which can result in little fl oral induction and fruit fall, until the defoliation of the plant. Plant genetic improvement appears as a strategy to favor the adaptation of crops to environmental stress. One of the tools of plant breeding is the cultivation of plant tissues, with this one has obtained improved varieties using somaclonal variation. For this reason, a project was proposed for in vitro selection of somaclonal variants (VS) of passion fruit, seeking tolerance to the water defi cit. The research has four stages, 1. Induction of calllogenesis (2,4-D), 2. Direct and indirect organogenesis; 3. Water stress induction (PEG 6000); 4. In vitro
selection of VS tolerant to water defi cit. Statistically signifi cant differences were found in seedlings planted in media with 20g PEG / l, for length, thickness and number of roots, in terms of stem no statistical differences were found. The number of leaves showed signifi cant differences with respect to the other means that induced water
stress [25 and 30g PEG / L]. Finally, the morphometric variables allowed differentiating the best treatments and seedlings, which showed tolerance to the water defi cit, this expressed in terms of longitudinal growth, thickness, width and number, despite the concentrations of the stressful agent PEG 6000. The obtained becomes important input to continue the process of plant breeding of passion fruit at the University of Tolima.
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