revista accb, artículos académicos, artículos. biología, ciencias, ACCB, biologicas

Supplementary Files

PDF. Pag, 143-153 (Español (España))


anticuerpos antinucleares
enfermedades autoinmunes
patrón fluorescente
sistema inmune. (MeSH). Antinuclear antibodies
autoimmune diseases
line immunoassay
fluorescent pattern
immune system. (MeSH).

How to Cite

Rosales E, C. E. ., & Sosa T, L. F. (2020). Levels of anti-nuclear antibodies by Fana and Ana-Lia in systemic rheumatic diseases patients. REVISTA DE LA ASOCIACION COLOMBIANA DE CIENCIAS BIOLOGICAS, 1(32), 143–153.


Objective: To correlate levels of antinuclear antibodies obtained by indirect immunofluorescence techniques (FANA) and linear immunoassay (ANA-LIA) in patients diagnosed or with clinical suspicion of autoimmune disease. Methods: 100 patients who gave their informed consent to participate in the study were included. Assays and interpretation of results of FANA and ANA-LIA test were performed following the manufacturer’s recommendations. Results: 97,4% of the patients studied were female with an average age of 42 years, being rheumatoid arthritis, polyarthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus the diseases that most frequently accompanied the medical request. It was observed that both methods were positive in 21% of the cases and that the Kappa correlation index was moderate between the tests (k = 0,51; p <0,05), the sensitivity and specificity of the methods was 71,4% and 84,8% respectively. It was also observed that for a given fluorescent pattern there may be positivity of more than one antigen of the ANA-LIA test and vice versa. Conclusions: FANA is the screening method accepted in the clinical practice to guide towards a more probable clinical diagnosis of autoimmune disease. Due to the subjectivity in the interpretation of its results and the need for training in the identification of fluorescent patterns, the support of other laboratory methods that allow the identification of antigens recognized by autoantibodies with greater precision is necessary, ANA-LIA is a cost-effective laboratory tool of high sensitivity and specificity that meets this requirement.


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