Introduction: The soil in rural areas from the municipality of Turmequé-Boyacá-Colombia is destined to activities agricultural and livestock, it represents the 89%, which have influence in the ecological state of the Muincha river. Objective: to establish trophic roles of the macroinvertebrates community and to evaluate the ecological quality of the Muincha river. Materials and Methods: in 2015 five samplings were performed in the month of may, June, August, September and November. The macroinvertebrates community samples were collected in four stations, taking two points in every one in a section of the 2431 to 2820 slom, in the Muincha river (Turmequé). To evaluate the ecological quality, it´s used the indexes BMWP/Col (biological analyses), EPT (biological analyses) and INSF (physicochemical analyses), and itself established trophic roles of the macroinvertebrates community. Results: agree BMWP/Col and INSF the river present water of acceptable quality (contaminated slightly water) or regular quality. The ecosystem itself found altered as consequence of the anthropic action (livestock and agriculture), the station III showing more affectation, and the station IV less affectation. Therefore, it´s identified clear relation between the diversity of macroinvertebrates, the quality of water and the use of the soil.
The contamination found is possibly due to the misuse of the soil, evidenced by the constant and considerable presence of Collectors - Collectors Collectors – Gatherers - Detritivores (Ordenes Diptera, Seriata, Haplotaxida y Arthicobdellida), by the presence of Ammonium and the high values of nitrate and phosphate. Conclusion: Therefore, it´s identify a clear relation between the diversity of macroinvertebrates, trophic roles of the macroinvertebrates, quality of water and the uses of soil (environmental quality).
Plan de Desarrollo del Municipio de Turmequé 2016 - 2019.
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