revista accb, artículos académicos, artículos. biología, ciencias, ACCB, biologicas

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PDF. Pag, 102-112 (Español (España))


rest period
agricultural production
morphological features (NALT national agricultural thesaurus) Colombia
periodo de descanso
agricultura producción
atributos morfológicos

How to Cite

Lozano V, M. M. ., Patiño P, R. M. ., & Botero A, L. M. . (2021). Panicum cf. hispidifolium Swallen: a grass with forage potential for the Savannas of Sucre. REVISTA DE LA ASOCIACION COLOMBIANA DE CIENCIAS BIOLOGICAS, 1(33), 102–112.


Introduction: In the Caribbean region of Colombia there are native species of grasses that have not yet been evaluated. Objective: To identify taxonomically a grass observed in the Savannas de Sucre region and study the influence of age on its morphological and production attributes. Materials and Methods: The study was located at 9º12’38.59”N and 75º24’06.63”, at 165 meters above sea level. In 18 plots, three cut intervals were evaluated (21, 28 and 35 days). Initially, the grass was identified. The chemical composition, the number and length of the leaves, the relationships between green and dry material and between leaves and stems, and their evolution, and the production and accumulation rate of DM were tested. Results: The grass was identified as Panicum cf. hispidifolium Swallen. The content of PB, NDT and ash decreased (P <0.05) with increasing age, presenting mean values of 12.27; 58.5 and 9.7%, respectively. The MS, FDA and CNE fractions increased (P <0.05) with age, presenting mean values of 21.6; 37.17 and 6.24%, respectively. DM availability and accumulation rate evolved quadratically (P <0.05), with greater intensity between days 21 and 28. The average DM available was 8049.1 kg / ha and the daily accumulation rate was 281.2 kg / ha. Conclusion: It is concluded that P. hispidifolium is a grass with forage potential for the Savannas of Sucre region, and that it should be managed with rest periods of around 28 days, considering the availability and quality of the DM.


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