Introduction: In Colombia, buffalo production has been growing significantly. Buffaloes adapt well to alluvial areas, which are characterized by the presence of native grass species, such as Hymenachne amplexicaulis. Objective: To evaluate the effect of different strategies of supplementation on the productive performance and ingestive behavior of calves managed in pastures with a predominance of Hymenachne amplexicaulis. Materials and methods: Thirty Murrah calves, weighing 67.5 (SD=2) kg and 4 months old, were randomly assigned to three treatments: SS: no supplementation; SM: mineral supplement and SM+C: mineral supplement + concentrate (0.5% body weight). The animals grazed in meadows with a predominance of Hymenachne amplexicaulis, and at night they received the supplement in pens. The variables studied were weight gain and time spent on different eating behaviors, in addition to biting rate and feeding stations. Results: The mineral mixture consumption was 33.8 g in the SM and SM+C groups, and the balanced consumption was 149.3 g. The supply of SM and SM+C produced an extra increase in weight gain of 68 and 227 g, respectively (p < 0.001). Supplemented animals grazed longer (p<0.001) and ruminated less time (p =0.001). The benefit/cost ratio for the SM and SM+C treatments was 4.2 and 4.3, respectively. Conclusion: Under the study conditions, the supplementation strategies evaluated improved the performance of the animals and presented economic viability, especially the simultaneous offer of mineral mix and balanced feed.
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