Objective: To elucidate the role of the coevolution of the human genome and Helicobacter pylori in gastric pathogenesis in a population from Nariño-Colombia. Materials and Methods: Helicobacter pylori was isolated from gastric biopsies obtained from 292 patients with Nariño gastric disease. The histological diagnosis was made by the Sydney classification. 252 H. pylori isolates were included for MLST analysis, which assigned them to ancestral populations (hpAfrica1, hpAfrica2, hpEurope, hpEAsia). Immunochip was used for human evolutionary analyses. STRUCTURE software to determine ancestry proportions by comparison with 712 global H. pylori MLST base sequences (http://pubmlst.org/helicobacter). Results: The H. pylori strains in Nariño derive from four ancestral populations: African (AA1), European (AE1 and AE2), and East Asian (AEA). The isolates contained substantial fractions of AA1 African ancestry on the coast, and AE2 European ancestry in the mountains. Because the mountain population had minimal African ancestry of the host, we wondered if AA1 increased the severity of gastric lesions in subjects of low African ancestry. Such a scenario could signify disrupted coadaptation: disruption of human-H. pylori coevolution. When we considered the 56 individuals with less than 17.6% African ancestry, we found that all individuals carrying H. pylori with >19.8% AA1 African ancestry, (n = 20) had severe lesions. Conclusion: Human and H. pylori coevolutionary relationships are important biomarkers of gastric disease, and disruption of these relationships results in more advanced gastric lesions in Nariño-Colombia.
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