Microhabitats are fine subdivisions of habitat where the greatest differentiation in resource use by anuran communities often occurs. In this study, we analyzed microhabitat use and niche overlap for four hylid frog species from fish ponds at the Universidad de los Llanos in Meta, Colombia. During 12 nocturnal field surveys over a four-month period, we recorded three microhabitat variables used by frogs: substrate type, vertical position, and vegetation type. From this data, we calculated niche breadth and community niche overlap indices based on 31–79 observations for each species. The frogs frequented leaf and branch substrates, low and mid-range vertical positions, and shrubby and herbaceous vegetation. Dendropsophus mathiassoni, Dendropsophus minutus and Scinax rostratus had low niche breadths for all three measured microhabitat variables, whereas Boana platanera had an intermediate niche breadth for substrate use and high niche breadths for vertical position and vegetation type used. The community niche overlap index tested against null models showed a random distribution of ecological resource use, indicating the absence of ecological mechanisms influencing niche overlap in the community.
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