revista accb, artículos académicos, artículos. biología, ciencias, ACCB, biologicas
Colombian Association Journal of Biological Sciences


Rigoberto Villa Ramírez, Lina María Arbeláez
Rose rosa sp. in vitro micropropagation from axillary buds and callogenic response
Jorge Mario Herrera-Betín, Alejandro De La Ossa-Lacayo, Gerson Salcedo-Rivera, Jaime De La Ossa-V.
Environmental management of water resource in community jagüeyes from Sincelejo, Sucre, Colombia
Cattle welfare at slaughter in a commercial abbatoir of the Caribbean region of Colombia
Genetic differentiation of Felis catus populations in the municipalities Restrepo and Darién of Valle del Cauca, Colombia.
Valentina Rojas-Agudelo, Marleny Salazar-Salazar
Design and implementation of didactic material for the teaching of mendelian genetics in tenth grade students
Iván Darío Loaiza Campiño, Neftalí Mesa López
Water defi cit evaluation in somaclonal variants of passion fruit (Passifl ora edulis var. fl avicarpa, Deneger), using morphometric measurements.
Angel Criollo-Rayo, Mabel Elena Bohórquez, Paul Lott, Angel Carracedo, Ian Tomlinson, Consorcio CHIBCHA, Luis Carvajal, Magdalena Echeverry
Study of the relationship between genetic ancestry and colorrectal cáncer risk in Colombia
Paola Andrea Toloza Beltrán, Fabiana María Lora Suarez
Identification of bacteria and parasites associated with fecal matter from different specimens of Equus ferus caballus from Salento, department of Quindío
Mabel Elena Bohórquez, Ángel Alexandro Criollo, Luis Carvajal Carmona, María Magdalena Echeverry de Polanco
Colorectal cancer in Colombia molecular phenotype: screening for syndromes with familial aggregation
Lina Johanna Moreno-Giraldo, Cristian David Herrera-Mafla, José María Satizábal-Soto
Molecular biology in congenital cardiopathies
Juan Esteban Ruiz López, Rocío Stella Suárez Román
Influence of a participatory process in the assessment and perception of biodiversity by communities surrounding forest fragments of Armenia, Quindío.
Frequency pattern analysis of 100 ancestry informative markers between two ethnics groups and two populations of Colombia