revista accb, artículos académicos, artículos. biología, ciencias, ACCB, biologicas


Alisson Viveros S, Paula Andrea Valdés M, Ailing Stella Gallego P, María Eufemia Freire T
Level of knowledge of Syphilis in adolescents of two Educational Institutions of the Buenaventura district
Yamile Astrid Ramos Robayo
Tophic roles of community of macroinvertebrates and ecological quality of the Muincha river
Silvia Gómez Daza
Bioinformatics as an educational resource for teaching genetic variability by comparing restriction maps
Duberly Mosquera Restrepo, Enrique Peña-Salamanca
Water quality assessment of a tropical stream using biotic, physicochemical and diversity indices
Gabriela Monsalve, Johanna Marcela Moscoso Gama
Bacterial Resistance to Disinfectants in common office areas
Ashwini S. Kaware, Pramod U Ingle, Aniket K. Gade, Mahendra Rai
A novel nano-sulphur and essential oil-based room freshener
Yesid J. Barrios Santana, Alcides C. Sampedro Marín, Shirly Mendoza Benavides, Mauren C. Vergara Mercado
Consumption and commerce of continental turtles in the la Mojana subregion, Sucre, Colombia
Diana María García-Cardona, Patricia Landázuri, Beatriz Restrepo Cortés, Oscar Eduardo Sánchez-Muñoz
Oxidative stress and intake of Passiflora edulis in men’s volleyball players
Mauricio Miguel Lozano V, René Mauricio Patiño P, Luz Mercedes Botero A
Panicum cf. hispidifolium Swallen: a grass with forage potential for the Savannas of Sucre
Laura Camila Valdés, Camilo Daniel Obando, Alvaro Pazos
nhibitory effect of seed polyphenolic fractions of Persea americana var. Hass on the Helicobacter pylori growth
Elvira Patricia Flórez Nisperuza, Alina María Hoyos Merlano, Luis Alfredo Martínez Díaz
Student-Centered Physics Learning, from the Problem-Based Learning
Silvia Gómez Daza
Story about teaching strategies to develop thinking skills and educate in values.
Nicolás Cajamarca-Tovar, Laura Nicolle Gaona-Castro, Natalia Jimenez-Vargas, María Isabella Acosta-Salinas, Lorena Camargo-Cortes
Perifiton diversity as an indicator of water quality in Caño Barandas, El Diamante de las Aguas Natural Reserve, Guaviare, Colombia