Page 46 - ACCB 2020
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Revista de la Asociación Colombiana de Ciencias Biológicas
            issn impreso 0120-4173, issn en línea 2500-7459
            dren and virtually all of the deaths are in developing  Moreover,  selective  removal  of  radioactive  materials
            countries. Major enteric pathogens in children include  like uranium can also be effi ciently achieved using this
            Rotavirus, Poliovirus, Campylobacter jejuni, Escheri-  technique (40). In another hand, alum is generally used
            chia  coli,  Shigella  spp.,  Vibrio  cholerae,  Aeromonas  as a fl occulant to remove unwanted colour and turbi-
            spp. Clostridium diffi cile and Cryptosporidium parvum.  dity from water supplies. Along with those treatments,
            Also, microbes like Helicobacter pylori and Burkholde-  chlorination is used for water disinfection. It is gene-
            ria pseudomallei, are prominent in some regions. Whe-  rally carried out by adding chlorine (Cl ) or hypochlo-
            reas, in adults, Entamoeba histolytica, Giardia lamblia,  rite to water. As the chlorine is strong oxidizing agent
            Hepatitis  viruses,  C.  jejuni  as  well  as  H.  pylori  and  chlorine treatment is highly effective against almost all
            hookworm (Ancylostoma duodenale) are the emerging  waterborne pathogens, with some exceptions like Cryp-
            waterborne pathogens.                              tosporidium parvum oocysts and mycobacteria species
                                                               (41,42). Ultimately, chlorination of water helps to con-
            A study carried out for the determination of bacterial  trol the spread of waterborne diseases such as cholera,
            contamination in rural areas of Beijing, China demons-  diarrhea, typhoid, etc.
            trated  the  bacterial  contamination  in  drinking  water.
            The  analysis  was  carried  out  to  determine  the  total  Considering  the  overall  limitations  of  traditional  me-
            bacterial count, total coliforms, and E. coli and the re-  thods, scientists are trying to develop novel, effi cient,
            sults obtained showed the presence of 88,000 CFU/mL,  and economically viable procedures for the treatment
            1,600  MPN/100  mL,  and  1,600  MPN/100  mL  count  of water which should achieve a high degree of purity
            respectively, which explains the quality of water (33).  in  less  time.  Nowadays,  nanotechnology  is  emerging
            Moreover, the results of many other studies revealed the  with great impact and has been used for the treatment of
            severity  of  water  contamination  by  various  microbial  water by using various nanomaterials.
            pathogens and their hazards to all forms of life (34–38).
            Problems in drinking water quality include the presen-
            ce of organic, inorganic, and microbial contaminants in  4.Nanotechnology  for  water  and  wastewater
            excess concentrations, which are the cause of various  treatment
            water-borne diseases. Since it is very diffi cult to pre-  A wide range of applications connected with nanote-
            vent these contaminants from draining into the drinking  chnology in nearly all fi elds, make it a very important
            water sources, the only way to maintain safer water bo-  and emerging technology. Therefore, the application of
            dies is to develop effi cient purifying technologies. To  nanotechnology in water and wastewater treatment is
            date, many technologies have been developed for puri-  gaining ground in both developing and developed coun-
            fying the water. Some of them are traditional methods  tries. Studies carried out proved that the metal nanopar-
            which are effi cient up to some extent and others are re-  ticles like silver nanoparticles (AgNPs), gold nanoparti-
            cent techniques which have certain advancement to the  cles (AuNPs), etc. and other nano-based materials such
            traditional techniques overcoming their lacunae.   as nanomembranes / nanofi lters would be helpful for
                                                               the development of new water treatment technologies,
            3.  Traditional  methods  of  water  and  wastewater  which can be used to mitigate water-related problems
            treatment                                          such  as  waterborne  pathogens,  biofi lm  formation,  as
            The prime objective of water treatment is to get safe  well as the removal of toxic heavy metals, etc.(43).
            and potable water. An adequate supply of pure water is
            essential to human existence. The available raw water  4.1.  Nanoparticles  and  nanocomposites  as  adsor-
            must  be  treated  and  purifi ed  before  it  is  supplied  to  bents for removal of contaminants
            the general public for their domestic, agricultural, in-  Adsorption is employed to remove organic and inorga-
            dustrial, or any other use. To purify water, a series of  nic pollutants from water and wastewater. This process
            treatment processes such as coagulation, sedimentation,  is dependent on materials’ surface area as well as its
            fi ltration, and disinfection are used. Furthermore, the-  active  centers  that  will  determine  the  type  of  conta-
            re are some other techniques such as activated carbon,  minants in which those materials will interact. Nano-
            alum, and chlorine treatments. Briefl y, activated carbon  adsorbents have the advantage to provide high specifi c
            acts as adsorbent useful for the removal of toxic orga-  surface area, strong sorption, as well as high reactivity
            nic and volatile compounds and those responsible for  and short intra-particle diffusion distance. NPs can also
            unpleasant taste and odour in the water, as well. (39).  remove recalcitrant pollutants from water. Carbon na-

                                                                                  Rev. Asoc. Col. Cienc.(Col.), 2020; 32: 42-62.
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