Page 67 - ACCB 2020
P. 67
Arbuscular Mycorrhizae Fungi: A Tool For Sustainable Agriculture. Varaprasad Kolla et al
for the tap root system than the fi brous root system. Po- root branching in the banana plant was compensated by
sitive collegial effects can be seen by enhancement in the increase in branching of roots due to colonization by
the root endurance because the higher ability of nutrient AMF Funneliformis mosseae (59). AMF alters the root
uptake outweighs the suppressed root growth caused by space and, geometry, and enhances the root surface area
infection due to root pathogens. for improvised absorption (47) AMF symbioses enhan-
ces biomass, root length, root density and increases the
The negative infl uence of migratory endoparasitic ne- uptake of P, Fe and Zn in wheat and Sweet Sorghum
matodes like Radopholus similis and P. coffeae on the (18,60).
Figure 2 An Overview of the Role of AMF
Rev. Asoc. Col. Cienc.(Col.), 2020; 32: 63-76.