Page 70 - ACCB 2020
P. 70
Revista de la Asociación Colombiana de Ciencias Biológicas
issn impreso 0120-4173, issn en línea 2500-7459
drought the fruits of chile ancho peppers in the presen- CONCLUSION
ce of AMF showed higher amount of carotenoids with In the present day scenario of high industrialization
similar intensity in color and chlorophyll content, thus and global warming, heavy metal pollution and drastic
also improving the crop quality (117). Amiri et al., 2017 changes in climatic conditions like elevated CO2, high
reported that, in Pelargonium graveolens L., the con- temperatures and water defi ciency are negatively in-
centration of N, P and Fe is increased by mycorrhizal fl uencing the growth and productivity of plants. On the
symbiosis under drought stress condition (118). Under other hand agricultural practices like tillage, excessive
pulsed or low water conditions, Bowles et al., 2018 re- use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, etc., are decrea-
ported that plant P uptake and the shoot N concentration sing soil fertility, the nutritive value of food and crop
is increased in the presence of AMF, which results in yield, thus posing a threat to humanity presently and to
enhanced plant nutrient acquisition under water scarcity the future generations.
Studies reveal that AMF symbiosis increases the uptake
Fungicides of nutrients. They act as biofertilizers, bioprotectants, or
Seeds of muskmelon (Cucumis melo), squash (Cucur- biodegraders benefi tting plant growth and productivity.
bita pepo and C. moschata), bean (Phaseolus vulga- They adapt and help the plant cope with stressed con-
ris), tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) and corn (Zea ditions like high salinity, heavy metal contamination,
mays) treated with fungicides mefenoxam, thiram, drought, and protect them against plant diseases and
tebuconazole+metalaxyl, and captan showed minor pathogens. Further application of fungicides had minor
effects on colonization by the AMF Glomus intraradi- or no effect on the AMF. AMF play a role in phyto-
ces on their roots, suggesting that the effect of fungici- remediation which will aid in decreasing the heavy
des on AMF inoculation and colonization is compati- metals contamination of soils. They are ubiquitous in
ble (120). On the other hand, a study by Channabasava distribution and interact with more than 80% of plant
et al., 2015 show that there is signifi cantly higher AM species. Hence, we conclude that AMF can be used as a
colonization, spore density, plant growth, and grain potential eco-friendly tool for sustainable agriculture to
yield in mycorrhizal Proso millet plants treated with raise the standards of commercial application, to facili-
fungicide captan compared to other fungicides, while tate better agricultural practices, to maintain soil fertili-
treatment with benomyl had an adverse effect in all the ty, crop productivity, nutritive value of food, to reduce
above measured parameters. This suggests that the type metal contaminations, and fi nally, to support healthy
of fungicide applied in soil and its effect on plant per- human life.
formance is varied depending on the mode of action of
the fungicide and the AMF species (121-122).
Rev. Asoc. Col. Cienc.(Col.), 2020; 32: 63-76