revista accb, artículos académicos, artículos. biología, ciencias, ACCB, biologicas


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PDF. Pag, 73-86 (Español (España))


new reports
Equus ferus caballus
diversity zoonótico
Equus ferus caballus

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Toloza Beltrán, P. A., & Lora Suarez, F. M. (2022). Identification of bacteria and parasites associated with fecal matter from different specimens of Equus ferus caballus from Salento, department of Quindío. REVISTA DE LA ASOCIACION COLOMBIANA DE CIENCIAS BIOLOGICAS, 1(31), 73–86. (Original work published October 11, 2019)


Diseases of zoonotic origin have been seriously neglected in developing countries, without taking into account that this may have serious public health implications, particularly for Colombia, in recent decades there have been strong social changes that have involved, among other things, the increase of the tendency to the possession of companion animals including Equus ferus caballus, for which, the associated microbiota has been poorly studied in comparison with other animals. Therefore, we set ourselves the objective of identifying the bacterial and parasitic diversity associated with fecal matter of Equus ferus caballus. For this, independent samples were taken for each of the purposes, making the concentration of parasites using the Ritchie technique; Samples for bacterial isolation were processed and identifi ed with the BD BBL CRYSTAL E / NF and GP Kit. For the analysis of the data, logistic regression was performed using Statgraphics. We were able to isolate 19 bacteria, of which six were explained by at least one of the variables taken into account. Nine of the isolated bacteria had not been previously reported for equines. Three genera of new parasites are reported for the species (Balantidium sp, Cyclospora sp
and Taenia sp.) And four new for the country (Allantosoma sp, Blepharocorys sp, Cycloposthium sp. and Bundleia sp.) It is concluded that the variables taken into if they have infl uence on the incidence of some isolated microorganisms, in the same way new species of bacteria for Equus ferus caballus as well as parasites are reported.


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